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Showing posts from 2007

Add dominates on Newspapers

Add scuffle among the Electronic media is known by everyone. these days to increase TRP, news channels are in the close fight with each other. but reality is that newspapers and online portals are steps away from the electronic media in the matter of managing add. Although most credibility is seen in those product about which consumer discuss with onothers. Market and media research firm Neilson”s survey says 77 percent consumer believe on the advertisement printed on newspaper than broadcasted on electronic media. and in the credibility”s index online portals stand nest to newspapers. Including with sarvay 73 percent people say we believe on the posted cements on the newspaper or portals then those broadcasted on news channel. 72 percent consumer believe on the companies produced advertisements. Only 65 percent consumer believe on TV add. Its mean every 3rd consumer see with doubtfull intention to the television add. Only TV can soothe itself that it is ahem then Redio. According to s...