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IIC 2013 at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, continues.

The eighth National Conference on “Corporate Governance” (IIC 2013), the flagship event of Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow was inaugurated on Saturday, 21st December. The conference graced by eminent speakers from diverse industry backgrounds continues successfully on the 2nd day of its commencement.

The session for the day themed Technology and Corporate Governance was started by Mr J N Gupta, Managing Director, Stakeholder Empowerment Services Pvt Ltd. He highlighted the role technology plays in issues like insider trading, surveillance, etc. and how advantageous it is in audit trailing. It serves as the backbone to Corporate Governance and brings about radical reforms in businesses. The participation of stakeholders has rocketed due to technology, he said.
Delving deeper into the discussion, Mr Pawan Kumar, Commissioner of Income Tax elucidated on the manner technology brings about effective changes in Corporate Governance. The advent and adaptation of technology has made India one of the first countries to use 100% electronic registrations of companies. A piece of statistics he shared was around 90% of the companies in India are private Limited out of a total of 9 lakh registered. Also, he highlighted the amendments being made to the existing company’s act to plug the loop holes, for instance,  mandating the stay of a director for at least 182 days within the country.
The third speaker for the day, Mr N.C. Bajpai, Chairman of State Planning Commission, focussed on the applicability of technology in the running of the state government. He mentioned as far as corporate governance is concerned there is a structured internal accountability whereas in state government, we have diffused multi point accountability. For him good governance coupled with technology accelerates development, ensures equity and entitlement to people. For instance, the UP state government’s initiative of laptop distribution to students free of cost was followed by state governments of Pakistan and South Africa.
Session 5

Throwing light on the theme of Comparative Corporate Governance Practices the session began with Mr Arun Balakrishnan, Ex CMD, HPCL, Chairman, Scientific Advisory Committee on Hydro Carbons, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas laid emphasis on the synergy of the chairman and the board in governance. He said governance is much beyond honesty, it is a combination of probity, being visionary and right execution. In his conclusion he averred ethics and values drive organisations, set exemplary standards. 


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