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10 Facts about Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose we must know

Gandhi Ji & Netaji together in 1938.
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was an Indian nationalist whose defiant patriotism made him a hero among Indian’s. Let’s have some basic facts about him.
1.    Netaji was born on 23 January 1897 at Cuttak, Orrissa Divison of Bengal Provice of    British India. He was died in a plane crash Taipei Japan on August 18 1945 at the age  of 48.
2.     Jankinath Bose & Prabhawati Bose was his Parents.
3.    He becomes congress president in 1938 & 1939. Due to differences with Gandhi Ji,  Nehru & other top congress leaders he was ousted from congress in the year 1939.

4.     He was placed under house arrest by the British before escaping from India in 1940
5.   Bose arrived in Germany in April 1941, where the leadership offered unexpected, if sometimes ambivalent, sympathy for the cause of India's independence, contrasting starkly with its attitudes towards other colonized peoples and ethnic communities. In November 1941, with German funds, a Free India Centre was set up in Berlin, and soon a Free India Radio, on which Bose broadcast nightly. A 3,000-strong Free India Legion, comprising Indians captured by Erwin Rommel's Afrika Korps, was also formed to aid in a possible future German land invasion of India During this time Bose also became a father; his wife, or companion, Emilie Schenkl, whom he had met in 1934, gave birth to a baby girl. By spring 1942, in light of Japanese victories in Southeast Asia and changing German priorities, a German invasion of India became untenable, and Bose became keen to move to Southeast Asia. Adolf Hitler, during his only meeting with Bose in late May 1942, suggested the same, and offered to arrange for a submarine. Identifying strongly with the Axis powers, and no longer apologetically, Bose boarded a German submarine in February 1943. In Madagascar, he was transferred to a Japanese submarine from which he disembarked in Japanese-held Sumatra in May 1943.

6.   With Japanese support, Bose revamped the Indian National Army (INA) and then composed of Indian soldiers of the British Indian army who had been captured in the Battle of Singapore.
7.     In late 1944 and early 1945 the British Indian Army first halted and then devastatingly reversed the Japanese attack on India. Almost half the Japanese forces and fully half the participating INA contingent were killed.[21] The INA was driven down the Malay Peninsula, and surrendered with the recapture of Singapore. Bose had earlier chosen not to surrender with his forces or with the Japanese, but rather to escape to Manchuria with a view to seeking a future in the Soviet Union which he believed to be turning anti-British. He died from third degree burns received when his plane crashed in Taiwan. Some Indians, however, did not believe that the crash had occurred, with many among them, especially in Bengal, believing that Bose would return to gain India's independence.
8.    Netaji was alma mater of University of Calcutta & later university of Cambridge.
9.   Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose was married to Emilie Schenkl without ceremony or witnesses in 1937.
10. Bose's ashes are stored in the temple in a golden pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar Bose died on 18 August 1945. His ashes arrived in Japan in early September 1945; after a memorial service, they were accepted by the temple on 18 September 1945.


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