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How to Have a Driving License in India?

A Driving License is an official document certifying that the holder is suitably qualified to drive a motor vehicle or vehicles. Under the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (External website that opens in a new window) in India, no person can drive a motor vehicle in any public place unless he holds a valid Driving License issued to him, authorizing him to drive a vehicle of that particular category.

Driving License
In India, two kinds of Driving Licenses are issued: Learner's License and Permanent License. Learner's License is valid only for six months. Permanent License can be availed only after the expiry of one month from the date of issuance of the Learner's License.

What You Need to Do to Obtain a Driving License

A Learner's License is essential for obtaining a Permanent License. The eligibility for obtaining a Learner's License for a private motor vehicle for a vehicle of 50 CC engine capacities and without any gear, is 16 years (if the applicant's parents or guardians give their consent). The minimum age to apply for a permanent license to drive a private motor vehicle is 18 years.

A person who is at least 20 years old and possesses a Learner's License can obtain a License for driving a commercial vehicle. Also, one has to be conversant with the traffic rules and regulations in all the cases.

For obtaining a Learner's License, you will need to apply in the prescribed format to the Local Transport Office in your region, along with your passport-sized photographs, proof of your age and residence, declaration of medical fitness and the required fee. After verification of your documents, you will have to go through the Learner's Test. Usually a handbook of traffic rules, signs and regulations is provided with the application form. On passing the Learner's Test, you will be issued a Learner's License. If you fail the test, you will be given a chance to take the test again.

For obtaining a Permanent License, you must have a valid Learner's License, and must apply after 30 days and within 180 days of issue of the Learner's License. You should be conversant about vehicle systems, driving, and traffic rules regulations. You will be put through a driving test, for which you must bring a vehicle with you. On passing the test, you will be issued a Permanent Driving License.

International Driving License

The motor licensing authority also issues International Driving License to the citizens of India. Application for the International Driving License can be made to the licensing authority having jurisdiction over the area in which the holder of the driving license ordinarily resides or carries on business, along with relevant documents. Citizens of India may drive in foreign countries with an International Driving License, which has the maximum validity of one year. Citizens are required to get their license from the country they're visiting within one year period. Following documents are to be produced at the time of applying for an International Driving Permit:-

Valid driving license
Attested copy of address proof
Attested copy of Birth Certificate
Valid passport
Valid Visa
Required Fees
Two passport size photograph.

-Inputs from


Anonymous said…

with the passage of time this information is doing good for me.
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