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The civilization of India is very ancient. In the Indus Valley are ruins of a civilization of high order that flourished from about 2300 B.C. to 1750 B.C. The Indus Valley civilization probably was destroyed by the Aryans, people of the Indo-European language family who entered through the northwest mountain passes between 2000 and 1500 B.C. The Aryans settled first in the Punjab and the Indus Valley, and from there spread eastward and southward. They introduced the Sanskrit language and the caste system into Indian culture.
In the sixth century B.C. the Persians made northwest India part of their empire. Alexander the Great of Macedonia conquered the Persian district in 326 B.C. Macedonian control lasted only a few years, but trade was established between India and Mediterranean countries. The Roman world knew India as the exotic land from which came spices, drugs, and cotton fabrics.
After the period of Macedonian rule, northern India was controlled in turn by native dynasties and invading tribes from beyond the mountains. India became known by the Persian name Hindustan (land of the Hindus). The most famous of the native dynasties were the Maurya and the Gupta.
A Gupta-ruled empire fell to Hun invaders early in the fifth century A.D., but small states ruled by Gupta princes survived until the end of the century.


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