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इस जज्‍बे को सलाम...

मंजूनाथ कलमानी उस शख्‍स का नाम है, जो पिछले छह सालों से जिंदगी से लोहा लेता आ रहा है. पेशे से इंजीनियर मंजूनाथ 2002 में एक सड़क हादसे में लकवा से पीडि़त हो गये. तब से आज तक वे वेंटीलेटर पर हैं. अमेरिका में लंबे ईलाज के बाद हाल में उन्‍हें भारत लाया गया है. फिलहाल दिल्ली के सफदरगंज अस्‍पताल में उनका इलाज चल रहा है. मंजूनाथ को अपने इलाज के लिए आर्थिक सहायता की जरूरत है. भले ही पिछले छह सालों में मंजू की दुनिया अस्‍पताल के बेड तक सिमट कर कर रही है, पर जिंदगी को मात देने का जज्‍बा आज भी उनमें बरकरार है. यही कारण है कि जब उनके एक चिकित्‍सक ने उन्‍हें ब्‍लागिंग की सलाह दी तो उन्‍होंने वेंटीलेटर होते हुए भी ब्‍लॉगिंग शुरू कर दी. यहां उनके सम्‍मान में हम उनके ब्‍लॉग की एक पोस्‍ट डाल रहे हैं. उम्‍मीद है आपको पसंद आयेगी.

Inspiration to start writing Blog
Even though I used to spend considerable time on the computer ( now I can't spend much time on the computer due to several reasons such as diminished vision, overwhelming health problems, weakness and depression ), it never crossed my mind to write blog. Dr. Chiu at Northside hospital, one of the great doctor I ever met, suggested me to write blog about my health complications. I always type a document about my health problems before visiting either doctor or ER. As I can't speak loud, and I don't have anybody to accompany me to the hospital, communication with the doctors is my biggest challenge. I know very well about my body, and I analyze my health well in the document. I not only mention about my health problems in the document, I also mention about my doubts and the tests that I need to undergo. Unfortunately, most of the time doctors don't take time to read my document. Dr. Chiu is exception. He always reads my document and answers all my concerns. He is very quick in pinpointing what is serious and what is not. He is very intelligent. He is the one that suggested me to start writing journal about my health.
I always wanted to write my autobiography, so I never thought of writing blog. Now I don't have much choices. Lately, my health is very deteriorated. Almost all my organs are inflamed or acting up. I have too many chronic health problems. I am the live example of how minor negligence in managing the care could lead to life threatening catastrophic health problems. I don't have freedom to manage my own care ( I don't want to get into details why I don't have freedom to manage my care. The reason to start writing blog is to educate my fellow spinal cord injury individuals about some of the complications and the remedy to reduce the complications ). I don't have anybody to administer insulin ( I have diabetes and the failure to control my blood sugar has led to many serious complications ). I have multiple food allergies. I am constantly losing my weight. And infections have become part of my life. For some reasons, quadriplegics don't live longer. Remember, Christopher Reeves? Simple bed sore killed him. I have developed too many serious health complications, I don't have hopes of living longer. People might say that I am paranoid when I speak about not having hopes. That is the truth whether anybody agree with me or not.


मेरी दुआयें मन्जूनाथ के लिये।
संदीप said…
जिंदगी से प्यार के उनके जज्बे का सलाम...

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